
文化研究 X 科技整合 X 永續關懷

    中原大學設計學院在1992成立 此為我國率先成立之專業學院,2004年創辦設計學博士班,秉持「全人教育」的精神,涵蓋「建築設計」、「室內設計」、「商業設計」、「文化資產」等四大領域,培養對自然環境與人為環境之間的協調意識,尊重自然與人性的尊嚴,尋求天人物我間和諸,讓專業技術的硬體設計有學術與理念的軟體支撐,並達成「確保有教無類、公平以及高品質的教育,及提倡終身學習」的永續發展目標(SDGs 目標4)

    基於「永續發展」與「科際整合」之趨勢,為突破學術領域劃地自限的僵局,營造設計學跨領域研究整合之契機:設計學研究所博士班授予「設計學博士」 (Ph.D. in Design)學位。2007年「設計學硏究所博士班」獨立研究所改制為「設計學博士學位學程」(Ph.D. Program in Design)。

    Founded in 1992, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) School of Design is the first professional design school established in Taiwan. In 2004, the Ph.D. program was founded, focusing on a holistic approach education and covering fields of architectural design, interior design, commercial design, and cultural heritage, with the purpose of cultivating harmony between nature and human and incorporating professional skills with academics and concepts, and ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all(SDGs 4).

    In light of the current trends in sustainable development and interdisciplinarity, we proposed an interdisciplinary design science research thinking. In 2007, the former graduate school doctoral program was renamed the Ph.D. Program in Design. Upon completion of the program, Ph.D. students will be given a Ph.D. degree in design.


  As for future research directions, the Ph.D. Program in Design plans to integrate the academic resources on campus as well as the concepts of science, management, culture, and art, moving towards the direction of blending culture and science in research. We aim to differentiate ourselves and stand out from other Ph.D. programs in design across Taiwan.

(一) 國際化的教育觀點 (International views of education)

  1. 國際級大師講座 (Lectures by international specialists)

  2. 國際化學術交流 (International academic exchange)

(二) 永續化的設計思維 (Sustainable design thinking)

  1. 永續環境營造 (Creating a sustainable environment)

  2. 文化資產保存 (Preservation of cultural heritage)

  3. 綠色設計應用 (Application of green design)

(三) 學程化的核心專業課程 (Core professional courses)

  1. 研究方法 (Research Method) 課綱(syllabus)

  2. 文獻評析 (Literature Review) 課綱(syllabus)

  3. 資料收集與分析 (Data Collection and Analysis) 課綱(syllabus)

  4. 論文寫作 (Academic Writing) 課綱(syllabus)

  5. 獨立研究(一) (Independent Research I) 課綱(syllabus)

  6. 獨立研究(二) (Independent Research II) 課綱(syllabus)

(四) 學程化的專業選修課程 (Professional elective courses)

  1. 哲學史論類 (Discourse on History of Philosophy) 課綱(syllabus)

  2. 設計史論類 (Discourse of Culture & History) 課綱(syllabus)

  3. 文化史論類 (Critical review of design history & theories) 課綱(syllabus)

  4. 環境史論類 (Critical review of environmental issues) 課綱(syllabus)

  5. 本院建築學系室內設計學系地景建築學系商業設計學系等研究所課程 (Graduate Courses from Department of ArchitectureInterior DesignLandscape Architecture and Commercial Desgin, School of Design)

(五) 指標化的學習評量 (Learning evaluation)

  1. 專業「態度」表現(全人化涵養) (Professional attitude performance ‘holistic education’)

  2. 專業「認知」能力(全球化觀點) (Professional cognitive ability ‘global perspectives’)

  3. 專業「技能」能力(專業化能力) (Professional technical skills ‘professional abilities’)



  As for future research directions, the Ph.D. Program in Design plans to integrate the academic resources on campus as well as the concepts of science, management, culture, and art, moving towards the direction of blending culture and science in research. We aim to differentiate ourselves and stand out from other Ph.D. programs in design across Taiwan.

(一) 國際化的教育觀點 (International views of education)

  1. 國際級大師講座 (Lectures by international specialists)
  2. 國際化學術交流 (International academic exchange)

(二) 永續化的設計思維 (Sustainable design thinking)

  1. 永續環境營造 (Creating a sustainable environment)
  2. 文化資產保存 (Preservation of cultural heritage)
  3. 綠色設計應用 (Application of green design)

(三) 學程化的核心專業課程 (Core professional courses)

  1. 研究方法 (Research Method) 課綱(syllabus)
  2. 文獻評析 (Literature Review) 課綱(syllabus)
  3. 資料收集與分析 (Data Collection and Analysis) 課綱(syllabus)
  4. 論文寫作 (Academic Writing) 課綱(syllabus)
  5. 獨立研究(一) (Independent Research I) 課綱(syllabus)
  6. 獨立研究(二) (Independent Research II) 課綱(syllabus)

(四) 學程化的專業選修課程 (Professional elective courses)

  1. 哲學史論類 (Discourse on History of Philosophy) 課綱(syllabus)
  2. 設計史論類 (Discourse of Culture & History) 課綱(syllabus)
  3. 文化史論類 (Critical review of design history & theories) 課綱(syllabus)
  4. 環境史論類 (Critical review of environmental issues) 課綱(syllabus)
  5. 本院建築學系室內設計學系地景建築學系商業設計學系等研究所課程 (Graduate Courses from Department of ArchitectureInterior DesignLandscape Architecture and Commercial Desgin, School of Design)

(五) 指標化的學習評量 (Learning evaluation)

  1. 專業「態度」表現(全人化涵養) (Professional attitude performance (holistic education))
  2. 專業「認知」能力(全球化觀點) (Professional cognitive ability (global perspectives))
  3. 專業「技能」能力(專業化能力) (Professional technical skills (professional abilities))
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