Main Venue: 7/1 9:00 – 12:10 |
Time | Activities | ||
09:00 ~ 09:20 | Online Check-In | ||
09:20 ~ 09:30 | Opening Ceremony: Dean of the College of Design/Prof. Chia-Lin Tsao Welcome speech and introduce the experts. |
09:30 ~ 10:10 |
International Keynote Speaker (I) Host: Prof. Li-Yu Chen Speaker: Prof. Rungtai Lin (Taiwan), Graduate School of Creative Industry Design, National Taiwan University of Arts. Topic: 全球觀點下的設計教育與實務 From Hi-Tech to Hi-Touch: A Global Perspective of Design Education and Practice |
10:10 ~ 10:50 |
International Keynote Speaker (II) Host: Prof. Li-Yu Chen Speaker: Prof. Takaji Okuda (Japan), Department of Architecture, Chaoyang University of Technology. Topic: 後疫時代再造健康城市之綠色場所:以貝聿銘達拉斯韌性策略計畫為案例 Re-creating Green Placemaking for Healthy Cities in Post-Pandemic: A Case Study of I.M. Pei’s Dallas Plan Vision with Resilient Strategies |
10:50 ~ 11:30 | International Keynote Speaker (III) Host: Prof. Li-Yu Chen Speaker: Prof. Teow-Ngak Ng (Malaysia), Department of Interior Design, Tainan University of Technology. Topic: 後疫情時代-室內設計教育的反思 Post-epidemic era-Reflections on Interior design Education |
11:30 ~ 12:10 | International Keynote Speaker (IV) Host: Prof. Li-Yu Chen Speaker: Prof. Chie-Peng Chen (Taiwan), Department of Interior Design, Chung Yuan Christian University. Topic: 什麼水事:一個前瞻的設計教學計畫 What’s Water: a Foresight Pedagogy of Design |
12:10 ~ 13:00 | Lunch Break |
Thurs July 01 2021 Virtual Conference
Thurs July 01 2021 Virtual Conference
Session A Oral Presentation 7/1 13:00 – 16:00
Host: Associate Prof. Yi-Pei Hsu (Bio) |
13:00 – 13:20 |
A1 |
呂純純 |
以未來水資源環境永續設計發展目標下的人才培育生態系統建構 |
13:20 – 13:40 |
A2 |
周韋緯 |
基于問題導向學習的工作室教學創新設計:以某大學景觀設計課程爲例 |
13:40 – 14:00 |
A3 |
Jose Antonio Bimbao |
A case study on the biophilic framework of healthy city bikeways in Taichung City, Taiwan |
14:00 – 14:20 |
A4 |
謝文哲 |
從空間實踐理論探討後疫情時代的線上攝影課程 |
14:20 – 14:40 |
A5 |
謝璨羽 |
壁畫與社區美化-金城社區美化案 |
14:40 – 15:00 |
A6 |
鍾依倫 |
以系統性文獻回顧探討健康城市下的防疫韌性社區架構 |
15:00 -15:20 |
A7 |
黃裕和 |
桃園台地埤圳文化對土地利用之影響 |
15:20 – 15:40 |
A8 |
簡聰敏 |
清代臺灣西部平原廟宇建築地域性特質之研究-以笨港地區祭祀圈為例- |
15:40 – 16:00 |
A9 |
張維凱 |
應用於埤塘生態之智慧物聯網系統 |
Session B Oral Presentation 7/1 13:00 – 16:00
Host: Associate Prof. Tao Pen Chang (Bio) |
13:00 – 13:20 |
B1 |
施文心 |
自然主題圖畫書封面設計特徵分析──以1999-2019年「好書大家讀」得獎作品為例 |
13:20 – 13:40 |
B2 |
詹鎮邦 |
資訊圖表配色影響資訊閱讀與理解研究 |
13:40 – 14:00 |
B3 |
呂亮穎 |
以分層模具操作之三維機械手臂織造初探 |
14:00 – 14:20 |
B4 |
陳芯研 |
迪化街傳統老店再造之魅力因子 |
14:20 – 14:40 |
B5 |
林庭仲 |
應用參數化木榫接合形式於找形之過程 |
14:40 – 15:00 |
B6 |
吳俊輝 |
中華職棒主題日活動體驗價值與美感體驗對球迷再購意願之影響 |
15:00 -15:20 |
B7 |
王韋婷 |
旅館大廳空間建構的品牌形象-以英迪格及智選假日個案為例 |
15:20 – 15:40 |
B8 |
汪筠丰 |
以空間關聯與需求分析探討單身租屋之創新家具設計 |
15:40 – 16:00 |
B9 |
林瑩 |
體驗行銷初探:以KIWI品牌仿擬名的廣告活動為例 |
Session C Oral Presentation 7/1 13:00 – 16:00
Host: Prof. Kuang Tsung Tseng (Bio) |
13:00 – 13:20 |
C1 |
周倍如 |
台北市青年旅館室內空氣品質現況調查之研究 |
13:20 – 13:40 |
C2 |
蕭宇良 |
探討空間條件對青銀共居形式偏好的影響 |
13:40 – 14:00 |
C3 |
洪鈞頎、江侑芸 |
發展視覺障礙者之生活風險行為地圖與其需求調查 |
14:00 – 14:20 |
C4 |
賴律萱 |
眷改前後空間形態與生活文化變遷的探討-以桃園龍岡忠貞新村為例 |
14:20 – 14:40 |
C5 |
阮念初 |
共享幸福聚落,形塑永續環境 未來生態共存住宅設計研究 |
14:40 – 15:00 |
C6 |
陳怡琳 |
校園建築室內外地坪材料止滑度調查:以中原大學為例 |
15:00 -15:20 |
C7 |
梅丹妮 |
設計評圖的學生感受:以中原室設基本設計課程為例 |
15:20 – 15:40 |
C8 |
駱逸竹 |
社會空間實踐-以中山雙連捷運線形公園為例 |
Session D Oral Presentation 7/1 13:00 – 16:00
Host: Prof. Yu Chin Chen (Bio) |
13:00 – 13:20 |
D1 |
蔡佩穎 |
銀青共創-對待長者友善的收納櫃 |
13:20 – 13:40 |
D2 |
莊源 |
惠安梅嶺村石厝建築之研究 |
13:40 – 14:00 |
D3 |
陳威志 |
以再現觀點探討連鎖便利商店之標準化與建築特色之轉譯 |
14:00 – 14:20 |
D4 |
温偉捷 |
中低收入老人住屋修繕補助現況之探討-以22縣市申請規定為例 |
14:20 – 14:40 |
D5 |
羅碧萍 |
從「翻轉」到「靜定」–以巴舍拉的「空間詩學」探究阮義忠攝影影像形構的詩意空間 |
14:40 – 15:00 |
D6 |
張彣卉 |
文學與生態的跨領域教學設計 |
15:00 -15:20 |
D7 |
林露真 |
繪畫空間中的觸覺體驗:以Vermeer繪畫為例 |
15:20 – 15:40 |
D8 |
朱啓銘 |
日本「一戶建」住宅平面構成之研究─以著名漫畫的房屋格局為例 |
15:20 – 15:40 |
D9 |
朱啓銘 |
「在宅安養」之居住空間評估與改善對策―以新北市集合住宅個案為例 |
Last updated: 2021/06/12 | |
Conference Date: | 2021/07/01 |
Conferece Type: | Virtual Conference (Google Meet, COVID-19 Concerns) link |
Paper Submission Deadline: | Friday 2021/05/07 |
Paper Review Result: | By email (If not received, please inquiry |
Oral Presenter: | |
Wednesday 6/16 |
Reply Contact Information link |
Wednesday 6/23 |
Conference Meeting URL will be sent |
Thursday 7/1 |
Join Online Conference Meeting |
Post-Conference |
Paper revised email, complete in the required date. Souvenirs, e-proceeding usb drive, certificate of public presentation and fee receipt will be sent by post once finished. |
Poster Presenter: | |
Friday 6/18 |
Submit e-Poster with Contact Information link |
Wednesday 6/23 |
Conference Meeting URL will be sent |
Thursday 7/1 |
Join Online Conference Meeting |
Post-Conference |
Paper revised email, complete in the required date. Souvenirs, e-Proceeding usb drive, certificate of public presentation and fee receipt will be sent by post once finished. |
Listener: | |
Wednesday 6/16 |
Register link |
Wednesday 6/23 |
Conference Meeting URL will be sent |
Thursday 7/1 |
Join Online Conference Meeting |
Post-Conference |
Certification of Participation |
I. Origin
With the impact of the rapid technological change on development, the sharing of information on modern design becomes more frequently which presents a variety of profession on architecture, landscape, interior design, commercial design and product design. Nevertheless, humanist spirit should also be concerned in today’s design. Humanistic ethos emphasizes the modern design must relate with human perspective first; be developed and changed as lifestyle changes or environment improves.
The college of Design, Ph. D. Program in Design and Department of Interior Design of Chung Yuan University dedicate to bringing experts from the United States of America, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan to conduct academic discussions and sessions in “Future X Design” 2021 international academic conference. In addition, provide necessary resources as well. To inspire and knowledge scholars about the integration of humanism and design achieving the core value of “Future X Design”.
II. Purpose
The three main ideas which are conducted in this “Future X Design” international academic conference are: “people”, “design” and “innovation”. The conference brings the three key elements into multi-design (cross) field, including architecture, landscape, interior design, commercial design, product design, cultural creativity and social design. Exploring the main value of design between friendliness, interactivity and culture to present well innovation, sustainability and start-up opportunities for the future design environment.
The main discussion topics of the conference are drafted as follows: 1. Friendly design with cross field 2. Interactive design with cross field 3. Innovative design with cross field 4. Sustainable design with cross field 5. Cultural design with cross field
III. Expected Benefits
The expected benefits of this international academic seminar are as follows:
1. Academic Activities:
(1) Several design-related domestic and foreign scholars are invited to “Future X Design” seminar to speech and share their thought from different cultural perspectives. Researchers, students, industrial practitioners and related-field designers are also welcomed to participate in this conference. “Future X Design” promotes international academic activities, strengthen and broaden graduate students’ horizons.
(2) The expected participants of this conference includes 3 foreign speakers, 10 domestic scholars; and 50 teachers, masters/doctoral students and practical workers who come from different art-related universities across the country.
2. Knowledge Sharing:
(1) 50 papers are expected to collect in this conference. Through anonymous reviewing process, excellent papers will be selected for publication. In addition, the paper are revised again based on the experts’ suggestions after the conference. Ultimately, the “Future X Design” conference formally gather and publish a collection of essays to promote the research and development in Taiwan.
(2) Distinguished papers which are recommended by experts will be submitted to Journal of Design Science (ISSN:1562-9708), Advanced Engineering Journal (ISSN:1991-797X) and other high-standard academic domestic and foreign citation indexes.
(3) The information of this conference is post on Chung Yuan University | PhD Program in Design website. The knowledge sharing and discussion area are provided as well. (
1. Paper Submission Guideline
(1) Call for Contributions: March 1, 2021 to May 07, 2021 April 30, 2021
(2) Who: Teachers, graduate students and advanced design professionals in design-related departments of various universities (colleges).
(3) Objectives: Research topics in the fields of architecture, landscape, interior design, commercial design, product design, cultural creativity and social design related to people, interaction, innovation, sustainability, culture and cross-domain design topics are recommended.
(4) Paper Category: Chinese or English.
(5) Full-Text Paper Online Submission(word format, paper should not exceed 10 pages):
(6) Mandatory Documents: Registration form, Copyright Agreement and Proof of Payment (uploaded at the time of online submission).
(7) Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 14, 2021
(8) Conference Registration fees:
Participation Type | Registration Fees |
Oral/Poster Presenter Registration | NT $2,000 |
Listener Registration | NT $500 |
*Oral/Poster Presenter Registration fee (NT$2,000): includes paper review, editing, e-proceeding, certificate of attendance and presentation, lunch box, tea and snacks of the day. (Excluding co-author registration fee, personal transportation expenses, accommodation expenses and other personal expenses.)
**Listener Registration (NT$500): includes all conference activities, certificate of attendance, lunch box, tea and snacks of the day. (Excluding e-proceedings)
***If paper is rejected after review, NT1, 500 registration fee will be refunded.
(9) Payment:
Remittance information:
Bank Code: | 700 (Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd) |
Account Number: | 0281015 0490942 |
Account Name: | Chun-Ju Chen(陳俊儒) |
2. Notice for oral presenter: maximum 20 minutes, 15 minutes for prestation, 5 minutes for Q&A.
3. Registration form: Appendix 1
4. Copyright Agreement: Appendix 2
5. Sample Paper format: Appendix 3
Organizer: | College of Design | Chung Yuan Christian University |
Executive Organizer: | Ph. D. Program in Design and Department of Interior Design |
Co-organizer: | Department of Interior Design, Office of Globalization Promotion | College of Design Chung Yuan Christian University, University Foresight Education Project | Chung Yuan Christian University, University Society Responsibility | Chung Yuan Christian University |
Supervisor: | Ministry of Education, Office of International and Cross-Strait Education | Chung Yuan Christian University |
Publisher: | Journal of Design Science | Chung Yuan Christian University |
Phone: | 03-2656008 |
Email: | |