The IFAC Industry Committee-the fifth INDUSTRY CONNECT WEBINAR “Control Opportunities in Green Energy Systems 時間:2023.06.19(一) 18:00 UTC (20:00 CET, 14:00 EDT) 地點:線上
Power-system Modeling & Control for the Era of Inverter-based Resources presented by Sairaj Dhople & Advanced Control, Optimization and Digitalization of Sustainable Power and Energy Systems presented by Qianwen Xu 時間:2023.05.09(二) 11:00 & 2023.05.18(四) 10:00 地點:線上
WEBINAR | Academic Teaching and Research with OPAL-RT Microgrid PHIL Testbench and Bitlismen's Power Labs Ecosystem Trainers 時間:2022.04.19(四) 11:00-11:40 PM 地點:線上