111學期 機械系-雷明憲 計畫心得

111學期 機械系-雷明憲 計畫心得

我的名字是雷明憲, 我剛畢業於機械工程學系,輔系為企業管理工商組。因為我已經申請機械系4+1預研生計劃,因此我會繼續留在中原大學完成我的碩士學位。那這一篇主要是要講述我在國際菁英人才培育計劃(GCSP)中所獲得的經驗以及感想,供未來的學弟妹做一個參考。

當初我決定參加GCSP是因為我想增進我在社會上的競爭力以及在課餘活動上自我挑戰,而透過完成GCSP所制定的任務時,我確實面臨了許多挑戰以及困難,但也就說明我在領導、實行計劃、溝通技巧等方面還需更加精進。在GCSP中,我選擇的題目為Advanced Health Informatics,因為我想要更加了解有關生物感測器的機制以及利用二維材料所製作出的場效電晶體來設計生物感測器。

GCSP的這段時間,我參加了許多我未曾想過的課程以及活動。為了滿足GCSP的畢業要求,我申請了企管系為我的輔系。我相信透過學習有關企管系的課程,我會有較全面的視角,而對設計過程或是解決工程問題時會有更加廣闊的視野。另外,為了要完成『Research Competency』,我也在期間申請了國科會的“大專生研究計劃”,而透過計劃,我學到了有關生物感測器機制的專業知識,半導體製程以及篩檢平台設計。此外,在完成我的NSTC研究時,我有機會參與實驗室的活動,像是有關半導體技術或光電科技的研討會,與我的學長撰寫以及上傳期刊,而我相信這些經驗對於我未來的研究或是工作上會有奇效。


My name is Loi Ming Xian, and I just graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering (ME) with a minor in Business Administration (BA). Pending my acceptance to the ME 4+1 program, I will continue my Master program at CYCU. I have written this review in order to highlight my experiences during my time in the Grand Challenge Scholar Program (GCSP).

The reason I decided to join GCSP is because I wanted to improve my competitiveness of my graduation result as well as to challenge myself at extra-curricular activities, and by accomplishing the competencies set by GCSP, I did encounter lots of challenges and difficulties, which means I could enhance myself in some areas like leadership, conducting a study, communication skills and others. By the way, I have selected the theme Advanced Health Informatics in this program. The reason why I chose this theme is that I wanted to learn more about biosensor mechanism and to design a biosensor platform by using two-dimensional materials.

While participating in GCSP, I have taken a much broader range of classes and activities that I never imagine before. To satisfy the requirements of the GCSP, I took the BA degree as my minor degree. I wanted more well-rounded perspectives, a broader view of the designing process or solving engineering problems. Besides, to achieve “Research Competency”, I also applied for a project, known as the College Student Research Project organized by the National Science and Technology Council. By conducting the project, I acquired more advanced knowledge of the mechanisms of a biosensor. I also learned the fabrication process of a field-effect transistor and the detecting platform design. Moreover, while completing my NSTC project, I have had some extraordinary experiences in the laboratory like taking part in the conference about the advanced technology of semiconductors and photoelectronics, writing and publishing journals with my seniors, and I strongly believe that those experiences will be extremely helpful in my future studies and careers.

 In conclusion, I would like to strongly encourage students who are hard-working, responsible and fully committed to gaining knowledge to join this program. I would like to assure you that the GCSP program gives those students an opportunity to learn and practice a multidisciplinary approach as well as a well-rounded perspective when they are confronted with a problem. The program does not have a simple, easy path, but it is the most effective training for handling future troublesome problems or challenges.

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