111學期 機械系-陸有為 計畫心得

111學期 機械系-陸有為 計畫心得

我是陸有為,來自中國大陸,自108學年起在中原大學機械工程學系就讀。我樂於踏上挑戰與收穫並存的冒險之旅,因此,我在大二上學期加入了GCSP(Grand Challenges Scholars Program)計劃。

GCSP 計劃促進我參與課堂內外的各類活動,豐富了我的大學經歷,並使我更加樂觀開朗。透過各項課程與實踐活動,我在多元文化、創新創業、跨領域整合、社會關懷、專業研究方面均獲益良多。我選擇主題為“設計科學發現工具”的挑戰,旨在開發創新儀器助力科學探索。


我強烈建議中原大學的學弟妹參與 GCSP 項目。“萬事開頭難”,重要的是先確立合理的研究目標,與相關領域的教授討論,並透過專業課程獲取知識。此外,管理好大學生涯,為必修課程和各類活動安排合理的期程,同時為專題研究留出充裕的時間。最後,請永遠相信自己,保持樂觀的心態面對一切挑戰。

My name is You-wei Lu. I am an undergraduate student majoring in Mechanical Engineering at Chung Yuan Christian University. I am from China and started my university life in Taiwan in 2019. I am always ready to embark on a challenging but rewarding adventure, so I joined the GCSP program during the first semester of my sophomore year. The program has motivated me to engage in a wide range of activities, both within and beyond the classroom, enriching my university experience and shaping me into a more optimistic and outgoing individual. Through the courses and experiential learning opportunities encompassing multiculturalism, entrepreneurship, multidisciplinary, social consciousness, as well as research & creativity, I have gained significant insights and knowledge.


I chose to be involved on the challenge goal aiming to “Engineering the tools of scientific discovery”, emphasizing the crucial role of developing innovative instruments for scientific exploration. The purpose of my project is to design an innovative automated powder dispensing system based on a robotic arm to overcome the drawbacks of manual dispensing in Scientific Chinese medicine compounding, and to improve the efficiency and quality of the process. With the guidance of Professor Hsing-Hsin Huang and the collaboration with my peers, I have acquired additional abilities and knowledge, honed my communication and leadership skills, and built connections with outstanding local and international students. All of these have made my university journey more fulfilling and memorable.


I highly recommend fellow students at CYCU to participate in the GCSP program. Firstly, it is crucial to establish reasonable goals and engage in discussions with professors who possess relevant research expertise, thereby acquiring knowledge through relevant academic courses. Moreover, effective time management is the key, ensuring adequate allocation for all required courses and activities while leaving ample time for academic research. Lastly, I always believe in oneself and maintain an optimistic mindset along with trying my best to overcome the difficulties when facing challenges.

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