Educated under “reverence to God, love for country, respect for work and fellowmen, and advocating simplicity” and among the educational philosophy “We respect the dignity of nature and of humanity, and we seek to promote harmony between the Creator, oneself, all other human beings”, COE is thus encouraged to continue the cultivation of such outstanding pragmatic engineering talents to undergraduates and graduates and enrich them with the courses design through professional curriculums, General Education, hands-on practice experience and life attentive culture. Afterwards, by the International Engineering Education Accreditation process, COE accomplishes its goal in training students with international vision and competency, professionalism, career- esteem, people-friendly working attitude as well as life-concern sympathy into modern engineer.


2023.07.31印尼 Brawijawa大學與工學院簽訂MOA

2023.07.31 印尼 Brawijawa大學農業科技學院院長Yusuf Hendrawan 與工學院林義峯院長簽訂學術合作MOA,期待雙方在學碩博學生交換、學位生培育、實驗室實習、產學合作、共同發表學術論文等方面產生具體成果。 上一篇 下一篇

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2023.07.20 UCSI大學訪問工學院

2023.07.20 馬來西亞 UCSI大學工程科技環境院院長Ang Chun Kit 訪問工學院。雙方就學術交流議題廣泛交換意見,決定以教授共同發表學術論文為起始,未來將簽訂MOU,具體落實學碩博學生交換、學位生培育、實驗室或產業實習、產學合作等面向工作。

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2023.0704-0722 II/ALE 國際產業學術領袖體驗講座

II/ALE 實踐中原大學全人教育理念,把中原帶向世界,把世界帶向中原。在暑期三周的活動中,中原大學工程領域的本地學生與國際學生、姊妹校學生共同上課(高科技講座)、進入實驗室分組跨領域專題實作及期末競賽、參與工廠參觀及文化之旅,並有盛大的開幕典禮、溫馨的頒獎及閉幕餐會。 上一篇 下一篇

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About Engineering


Ever since the founding of the Chung Yuan Christian Science and Engineering College in 1955, two engineering departments, Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering, were established. And the engineering programs have been the largest component in University teaching as well as in research. In 1980, the Chung Yuan Christian SE College became a University and College of Engineering grew up to have nine departments until August 2005 and four departments spun off to be College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EE&CS). Now, the College of Engineering comprises five departments including Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Bioenvironmental Engineering (2004),renamed to Environmental Engineering in 2015. Except for Environmental Engineering having master’s degree, the others have graduate programs in both master`s degree and a Ph.D. degree. Furthermore, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Department of Biomedical Engineering also have the evening executive master`s programs available for those who are working in the industry.

In addition, COE is the first college in Taiwan to have its departments and graduate schools undergone Engineering Education Accreditation by the Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET), and received accreditation certificates. More recently, all five departments have initiated DIGS program for foreign students and multi-channels in international exchange, short communication as well as summer camp learning, etc..


Sustainable Development Goals

In order to promote the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, COE released the Sustainable Development Vision –

04.Quality Education
Ensure comprehensive, fair and high-quality education, and enhance students’
ability to learn independently and the effectiveness of mechanical-engineering learning

11.Sustainable cities and communities
Learn to respect sustainable development from social, economic and environmental perspectives, so as to build cities and communities with inclusive, safe,resilient, and sustainable characteristics.

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