
With the coming of global information and communication era, communication has substantially influenced people. Techniques of smaller-sized communication systems as well as internet and multimedia have become part of key industrial developments in every country. Corresponding to Taiwan industrial manpower demands in the future, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, CYCU, has integrated three departments, namely, Electronic, Electrical, and Information & Computer Engineering, to establish “Master Program in Communication Engineering,” (a postgraduate program in Communication Engineering). We aim to train talents with professionalism, world view, and creativity by our teaching staff and academic resources so as to assist communication industries in Taiwan.
We have three research areas
1.Communication System:
Spread spectrum communication, channel coding & error correction, personal and mobile communication system, adaptive signal processing, coding theory, diversities of wireless communication system, next generation wireless systems and networks
2.Network Communication and Security:
Computer networks, optimization theory and techniques, wireless LAN, wireless communication networks, communication networks protocol design and performance evaluation, wireless resource allocation, broad band network applications, information security
3.Multimedia communication:
Wireless multimedia communication, pattern recognition, speech signal processing, image processing, biomedical signal processing, digital signal processing, image coding and compression
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