Taiwan HUAYU Best program

Program Introduction

The Taiwan Huayu BEST Program, sponsored by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, is designed to strengthen language education cooperation between universities in the United States and Taiwan, with an emphasis on Chinese language learning. The program provides opportunities for language teacher exchanges, Huayu BEST scholarships for US students, and support for Chinese language proficiency testing, and online learning resources for all partner universities in the US.

CYCU Huayu Best Program Partnership School

Taiwan Huayu BEST Program at CYCU

  • Scholarship offered
    by Taiwan Ministry of Education
  • Immersive Mandarin Course
    Short-term: 8 weeks
    Long-term: 5 months
  • On-Campus dormitory
  • Local Culture Tour
  • Hands Together Project
    First-hand culture exchange with local students


中原大學榮獲教育部「優華語」計畫補助 攜手美國名校推廣華語


臺灣優華語計畫校對校合作備忘錄聯合簽約典禮在美舉行 臺美高等教育合作更上層樓:


桃園大崙國中體驗外國學生日常 外籍生體驗潤餅∣台灣大紀元:



How to apply

Taiwan Huayu BEST Program Scholarship


1. Students enrolled in CYCU Huayu BEST Program partnership schools.

2. The following persons are not eligible to apply

(1) Have R.O.C. nationality or overseas student status.
(2) Those who have taken a degree program in Taiwan or are currently enrolled in a Chinese language program in Taiwan.
(3) Exchange students enrolled in our universities and colleges under academic cooperation agreements with foreign schools.
(4) Recipients of Taiwan Huayu BEST Program scholarship, Taiwan Scholarship, or Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES).
(5) Receiving scholarships and grants from government agencies or schools.

3. Fill out the application form and apply to the CYCU Huayu BEST Program partnership school for eligibility.

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