English Corner

語言中心邀請專業外籍老師擔任英語會話(English Corner)老師,English Corner的主要目的在於服務中原大學的全校學生,提供英語之聽與說的能力訓練,特別針對羞於開口說英語的同學所設計。因此,English Corner的目標是加強學生英語文能力之訓練,強化學習環境並鼓勵願意提升自身英語能力之學生。此外,語言中心針對本校的研究生及大四生,提供英語寫作諮商服務,由專業外籍老師給予一對一指導,提升學生英語之寫的能力。除了以上兩項諮商資源,語言中心盼能幫助更多學生提升英語能力,由應外系暨語言中心專、兼任專業師資,每週提供12小時之諮商服務,解決學生在英語學習上的疑難雜症。最後,語言中心希望害怕開口說英文的學生們都能夠克服心中的恐懼,勇於參與有關英語文的各項活動。

English Corner

  The Language Center invites professional native English teachers to lead the English conversation classes. The target of English Corner is to serve the students in CYCU, especially those making up the largest group of student who tend to shy away from English. We offer a practical learning experience in listening, speaking, and conversation-building. Consequently, an important objective of the Corner is to empower students, especially the non-enthusiasts, with a self-actualized desire to learn. These efforts are reinforced in an atmosphere rich in encouragement with the hope that all students will develop higher levels of self-confidence in their abilities to function in all English environments. Ultimately we hope that our shy students, like their enthusiastic counterparts, will “want” to be involved in the Corner.

Writing Clinic

  The aim of Writing Clinic is to help graduate and senior students of CYCU improve the writing skills they need for success in their academic programs. Students have to make a reservation (30 minutes for each section) in the Language Center in advance. When students are actively involved in the process of revision (through questioning, explaining, and providing examples), they are able to learn from mistakes and become more competent and confident writers.
The Writing Clinic helps with a variety of academic literacy issues. Typical issues include:

  • Improving basic skills such as constructing sentences and linking paragraphs
  • Writing abstracts, research papers, and other academic papers
  • Enhancing collocation or correct word usage within the paper.

Students must bring a piece of their own writing such as a homework assignment or English paper, as well as their thesis. The instructor will focus on the areas of the student’s writing that are most problematic. Note that one session may not be sufficient to cover all areas of concern.

English Consultation Room

  Face-to-face counseling for students who suffer from English learning problems such as reading, listening, resume writing and so on. Students have to make a reservation in the Language Center—Holistic Village (Room 506) in advance (30 minutes for each session). The counseling service is free for all the students in CYCU.

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