2021.12.23富含「摺」理 – 華人摺紙文化活動集錦 Highlights of Origami class

  • 活動名稱:富含「摺」理 – 華人摺紙文化及教學
  • 授課教師:蘇卓英 老師
  • 課程日期:2021.12.23



Origami is an integral part of the rich Chinese culture. In order to let International students know Taiwanese culture, origami artist Eagle was specially invited to host the origami culture workshop at CYCU. During the workshop, students learned about the art of origami and the image of Taiwanese people using red as the festive color and the goal of making a fortune during Chinese New Year. They also learned to fold heart-shaped red envelopes and paper money God of Fortune.

A total of 30 teachers and students participated in the workshop.





  • 2011 榮獲「全球華文部落格~評審團特別獎
  • 2012 榮獲「部落客百傑~雅虎奇摩部落格BSP特別獎」
  • 2012~2014 JET綜合台「寶貝上課了」節目特約摺紙達人
  • 2014 義大利羅馬美術學院摺紙講座教師
  • 2012~2018 出版專書「節慶的摺紙」
  • 2015~今 年代MUCH台「荳荳快樂學堂」節目特約摺紙達人
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