School of Design was established on Aug. 1st, 1992, the first in Taiwan. The School includes Department of Architecture (with two tracks of Architecture and Cultural Heritage in the postgraduate program), Department of Interior Design (with a postgraduate program), Department of Commercial Design (with a postgraduate program), Department of Landscape Architecture(with a postgraduate program), Program in Indigenous Culture and Design, and Ph. D. Program in Design. In terms of curriculum and research, we cover “Architectural Design,” “Landscape Design,” “Urban Design,” “Commercial Design,” “Cultural Heritage,” and other relevant areas. The main purpose of establishing School of Design is aiming at building a holistic education system while integrating design so as to develop specific in each design field, to train professional talents in design responding to social needs, to carry out ideals of professional education, to strengthen the concepts of “sustainable care” and “creative service” on the basis of issues raised in the 21st century, and lastly to increase social welfare.
Our School
Future Prospects
It is our belief that solid training of creation and professional skills, adding with an open worldview and “Interdisciplinary Integration of Programs,” and “International Cooperation,” we can develop as a “Professional Design School,” holding global visions to work and compete with those in Cheng-du, Hong Kong, Japan, Florence, and San Francisco. In this way we are more able to train excellent design talents for the society for new perspectives in design.
The overarching objective is to establish a complete integration of design education system and develop the special characteristics of each area of design, while training design professionals, coordinating with the needs of society, and implementing ideals associated with professional education. The future direction for the School will coordinate with the University’s ideology of “holistic education” and together with the goal of symbiosis, the resources of the University will be combined and concepts related to science, management, humanities and art in Taiwan.
Towards CYCU’s 70th Anniversary with the main axis of “teaching excellence, first-rate features, excellence and sustainability”, our school will cooperate with CYCU’s medium and long-term school development plan in the future to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) development strategy.
The future trends and opportunities of the design industry include (1) the opportunity for digital transformation of the design industry; (2) implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with circular design to establish sustainable environmental development; (3) integrating design, environment, engineering and products (DEEP) comprehensive whole new design thinking. Through the implementation process of linking with the industry, sustainable issues can be transformed from circular design→circular business model→circular economy→establishment of a sustainable ecosystem. The goal of enhancing students’ workplace competitiveness, is to train students in the area of humanities and social science by understanding the interdisciplinary teaching of technology application.
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