School of Design


School of Design was established on Aug. 1st, 1992, the first in Taiwan. The School includes Department of Architecture (with two tracks of Architecture and Cultural Heritage in the postgraduate program), Department of Interior Design (with a postgraduate program), Department of Commercial Design (with a postgraduate program), Department of Landscape Architecture(with a postgraduate program), Program in Indigenous Culture and Design, and Ph. D. Program in Design. In terms of curriculum and research, we cover “Architectural Design,” “Landscape Design,” “Urban Design,” “Commercial Design,” “Cultural Heritage,” and other relevant areas. The main purpose of establishing School of Design is aiming at building a holistic education system while integrating design so as to develop specific in each design field, to train professional talents in design responding to social needs, to carry out ideals of professional education, to strengthen the concepts of “sustainable care” and “creative service” on the basis of issues raised in the 21st century, and lastly to increase social welfare.

Our School

Since 1960
Comercial Design
Since 1984
Interior Design
Since 1985
Landscape Architecture
Since 2004
Ph.D program in Design
Since 2004
Oxford Brookes University Dual Bachelor's Degree in Architecture and Urban Design
Since 2023

Future Prospects

It is our belief that solid training of creation and professional skills, adding with an open worldview and “Interdisciplinary Integration of Programs,” and “International Cooperation,” we can develop as a “Professional Design School,” holding global visions to work and compete with those in Cheng-du, Hong Kong, Japan, Florence, and San Francisco. In this way we are more able to train excellent design talents for the society for new perspectives in design.

The overarching objective is to establish a complete integration of design education system and develop the special characteristics of each area of design, while training design professionals, coordinating with the needs of society, and implementing ideals associated with professional education. The future direction for the School will coordinate with the University’s ideology of “holistic education” and together with the goal of symbiosis, the resources of the University will be combined and concepts related to science, management, humanities and art in Taiwan.

Towards CYCU’s 70th Anniversary with the main axis of “teaching excellence, first-rate features, excellence and sustainability”, our school will cooperate with CYCU’s medium and long-term school development plan in the future to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) development strategy.

The future trends and opportunities of the design industry include (1) the opportunity for digital transformation of the design industry; (2) implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with circular design to establish sustainable environmental development; (3) integrating design, environment, engineering and products (DEEP) comprehensive whole new design thinking. Through the implementation process of linking with the industry, sustainable issues can be transformed from circular design→circular business model→circular economy→establishment of a sustainable ecosystem. The goal of enhancing students’ workplace competitiveness, is to train students in the area of humanities and social science by understanding the interdisciplinary teaching of technology application.

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院長致詞院長致詞【頒獎】112學年度 服務學習特優教師室內設計學系 黃慶輝老師【頒獎】112學年度 服務學習特優教師 張道本老師【頒獎】112學年度 設計學院教學優良教師 洪逸安老師服務學習經驗分享與收獲分享者:資管四簡新雅交通安全宣導太子駕訓班副班主任 上一篇 下一篇

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▎【散彩重序:《眷村色彩散策》衍生設計徵選競賽】徵件開始報名👏◆ 尋找眷村色彩DNA 2020年桃園市政府與財團法人榮民榮眷基金會合作,率先全臺成立眷村協作平台「#中華民國眷村資源中心」,建構全國眷村知識串連、媒合與交流平台,提供豐富的眷村教育資源,將珍貴眷村文化記憶保存傳承。本計畫2020-2022年期間,調查全臺尚未修復的眷村,進行色彩調查計畫,總計30處 #眷村色彩 故事,透過田野調查、訪談等將眷村建築、自然與人文歷史元素轉化對於眷村文化想像,並於2023年出版《眷村色彩散策-走讀全臺30眷村地景》一書,紀錄了全臺30處眷村具有地方識別性的450筆色彩元素。 本次競賽乃以《眷村色彩散策-走讀全臺30眷村地景》一書所記錄之色彩素材為基礎,辦理衍生設計徵選競賽,並以「#散彩重序」為主題,望延續過去色彩採集之步履,持續強化與深化眷村色彩之意象。透過本次計畫的施行,讓眷村的色彩重新編織、交集、揮灑出新的生命與想像,成為連結眷村的過去與未來,激發眷村文化的進一步可能與想像。– – –▎徵件辦法:……/1E7KDJOKrL5sLOrYi9R28O……▎徵件報名:▎徵件時間:2024/5/15(三) 08:00 – 2024/6/28(五) 17:00 止。▎徵件項目:以《眷村色彩散策-走讀全臺30眷村地景》一書所記錄之色彩素材,所發展之衍生設計創作,徵件組別分為「平面設計組」與「生活設計組」。▎徵件對象:凡年滿18歲,設籍於中華民國之個人或團體(至多三人)皆可參加,外籍參賽人士須提供護照或居留證等身分證明資料影本。▎徵件獎勵:「平面設計組」、「生活設計組」將各自選出「首獎」1名、「優等獎」2名及「佳作」3名。「首獎」將獲頒獎金新臺幣3萬元及獎狀;「優選獎」可獲得獎金新臺幣1萬5千元及獎狀;「佳作」可獲得獎金新臺幣1萬元及獎狀,以上得獎作品未來皆會於桃園市龜山憲光二村展出,展出日期為2024年10月至2024年12月(暫定)。▎指導單位:桃園市政府、桃園市議會、財團法人榮民榮眷基金會( 我阿榮啦(榮民榮眷基金會) )▎主辦單位:桃園市政府文化局( 藝遊桃園-桃園市政府文化局 )▎執行單位:中華民國眷村資源中心

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院長致詞院長致詞【頒獎】112學年度 服務學習特優教師室內設計學系 黃慶輝老師【頒獎】112學年度 服務學習特優教師 張道本老師【頒獎】112學年度 設計學院教學優良教師 洪逸安老師服務學習經驗分享與收獲分享者:資管四簡新雅交通安全宣導太子駕訓班副班主任 上一篇 下一篇

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▎【散彩重序:《眷村色彩散策》衍生設計徵選競賽】徵件開始報名👏◆ 尋找眷村色彩DNA 2020年桃園市政府與財團法人榮民榮眷基金會合作,率先全臺成立眷村協作平台「#中華民國眷村資源中心」,建構全國眷村知識串連、媒合與交流平台,提供豐富的眷村教育資源,將珍貴眷村文化記憶保存傳承。本計畫2020-2022年期間,調查全臺尚未修復的眷村,進行色彩調查計畫,總計30處 #眷村色彩 故事,透過田野調查、訪談等將眷村建築、自然與人文歷史元素轉化對於眷村文化想像,並於2023年出版《眷村色彩散策-走讀全臺30眷村地景》一書,紀錄了全臺30處眷村具有地方識別性的450筆色彩元素。 本次競賽乃以《眷村色彩散策-走讀全臺30眷村地景》一書所記錄之色彩素材為基礎,辦理衍生設計徵選競賽,並以「#散彩重序」為主題,望延續過去色彩採集之步履,持續強化與深化眷村色彩之意象。透過本次計畫的施行,讓眷村的色彩重新編織、交集、揮灑出新的生命與想像,成為連結眷村的過去與未來,激發眷村文化的進一步可能與想像。– – –▎徵件辦法:……/1E7KDJOKrL5sLOrYi9R28O……▎徵件報名:▎徵件時間:2024/5/15(三) 08:00 – 2024/6/28(五) 17:00 止。▎徵件項目:以《眷村色彩散策-走讀全臺30眷村地景》一書所記錄之色彩素材,所發展之衍生設計創作,徵件組別分為「平面設計組」與「生活設計組」。▎徵件對象:凡年滿18歲,設籍於中華民國之個人或團體(至多三人)皆可參加,外籍參賽人士須提供護照或居留證等身分證明資料影本。▎徵件獎勵:「平面設計組」、「生活設計組」將各自選出「首獎」1名、「優等獎」2名及「佳作」3名。「首獎」將獲頒獎金新臺幣3萬元及獎狀;「優選獎」可獲得獎金新臺幣1萬5千元及獎狀;「佳作」可獲得獎金新臺幣1萬元及獎狀,以上得獎作品未來皆會於桃園市龜山憲光二村展出,展出日期為2024年10月至2024年12月(暫定)。▎指導單位:桃園市政府、桃園市議會、財團法人榮民榮眷基金會( 我阿榮啦(榮民榮眷基金會) )▎主辦單位:桃園市政府文化局( 藝遊桃園-桃園市政府文化局 )▎執行單位:中華民國眷村資源中心

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本院在教學與研究上涵蓋「建築」、「室內設計」、「商業設計」、「文化資產」及「景觀生態」等專業學系,強調跨領域而又各具特色。總體目標是希望建立完整之設計整合教育體系,以文化觀點立足,邁向「社群美學」和「永續關懷」之「新世態空間美學」(new genre spatial aesthetic)。本院培養設計專業人才,並配合21世紀全球化之社會需求,落實專業實務教育之理想。此外,為因應全球「設計學」研究的趨勢及國內提昇「設計學」研究的需求,並配合本校整體學術環境發展的統合目的,本院乃規劃以結合科學、自然、人文與藝術的理念為原則,整合本院各系的研究陣容,成立「設計學博士」,深化「設計學」相關領域的研究。 



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