因此,中原大學在推展藝文活動方面不遺餘力。中原大學風雅頌音樂中心成立於2014年,以宏揚校訓「篤信力行」與落實通識教育的「全人教育」為目標宗旨。風雅頌音樂中心在學期中間,每週固定舉辦兩場音樂會,邀請國內外知名音樂家與表演藝術團體蒞臨演出。節目內容豐富,有古典音樂、爵士樂與跨界展演等;演出形式包含獨奏會、室內樂、歌劇選粹等多種樣貌。音樂中心目前設有活動座椅135 席與完善的錄影音和投影播放設備。以風雅頌音樂中心為藝術基地,豐富校內師生教職員的藝術內涵;以多元的音樂饗宴,滋養中原大家庭每位成員的精神靈魂;以藝術為媒介,凝聚向心力。秉持藝術無國界的信念。
Chung Yuan Christian University has long been pursuing the core value of well rounded education, emphasizing the cultivation of true, good and beautiful personality for the students. It is hoped that students, in addition to taking courses in their professional field, will participate in different arts and culture program. The university hold more than 30 concerts , including arranging musicians and performers every semester to perform in the Arts Salon.
In addition to cultivating art and culture for students and faculty, campus open art performances to outsiders. Art is brought to life enabling close communication and interaction with neighboring communities.
Every Wednesday or Thursday, the music performance foster close interaction between the performer and the audience, with easy-to-understand interpretation. So that in addition to enjoying the music, one can have a deeper understanding of music history or music theory, and the appreciation and interest in classical music is generated. And by slowly comprehending the beauty of music, We hope that music is incorporated as an essential part of life.