書 名 |
Hayden, D. (1995) The Power of Place: Urban Landscape as Public History, Cambridge: The MIT Press.電子書 |
Chapin, F. S., P. A. Matson, and H. A. Mooney, 2002. Principles of Terestrial Ecosystem Ecology. Springer Sci.+Business Media Inc. New York.電子書 |
Smart Choices, Wilson, Ken, Student Book 1, Oxford University 2007 –電子書 |
Translation: An advanced resource book (first part), by Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday, London Routledge, 2004 –電子書 |
Programming challenges [electronic resource] : the programming contest training manual / Steven S. Skiena, Miguel A. Revilla-電子書 |
國立編譯館數位出版品資訊網(中文教科書電子書) |