承辦單位 |
綜合業務組 |
承辦人 |
張詠怡 |
電話 |
03-2651734 |
Email |
linda@cycu.edu.tw |
If you're within the top 25% of your department academically and didn't withdraw the course last semester, then you may apply for international students' stipend till October 31st 2024 (Thu.).
繳交申請文件/ Application Materials
1.線上申請/ Online Application: https://itouch.cycu.edu.tw/go/?w=6474@forms
此次不提供紙本申請表,請上線填寫表單 / There is no paper application form this time. Please fill in the form online.
2.成績單/ Transcript of academic record
成績單上需要看到系排名與百分比,請以10月1日之後的正式排名為準/ Rank in the department and percentage scale must be shown, please refer to the official ranking after October 1st.
3.上傳推薦信/ Upload Recommendation Letter
推薦信格式 / Recommendation Letter Format:https://reurl.cc/nvAeOv
4.如果前一學期有申請並完成35小時工作時數請連同服務時數表一起上傳 / If you've finished your 35 hours service last semester, please upload the service record form and hand in as well.
5. 如果你不知道要去哪裡完成志工時數,請填寫調查表: https://itouch.cycu.edu.tw/active_project/cycu2900h_09/forms/#/forms/6420
If you don’t know where to go to complete your service hours, please fill out the survey: https://itouch.cycu.edu.tw/active_project/cycu2900h_09/forms/#/forms/6420