江梓瑋 Charles Tzu Wei Chiang
助理教授 Assistant Professor
建築設計、建築類型與規劃 、都市設計概論、 公共住宅專論 、競圖思考與操作
中原大學 建築系 助理教授
國立台灣科技大學 建築系 專案助理教授
台北市住宅及都市更新中心 資深規劃師
美國紐約Perkins+Will 建築設計師
建築設計、 建築計劃 、 都市設計、集合住宅 、高齡社會學、 設計方法論
- Chih-Ming Shih, …, Charles Tzu Wei Chiang, … 2021,Digital Placemaking for Urban Regeneration: Identification of Historic Heritage Values in Taiwan and Baltic, Urban Planning (ESCI/Q1)
- Charles Chiang,2021,Establishing Design Exercise as Guidance for Design Development in Architectural Pedagogy, Architectural Institute of Taiwan (TSSCI)
- Charles Chiang,2019,Implementation of Open Building Theory for Residential Planning in Relation to Family Life Cycle,Architectural Institute of Taiwan (TSSCI)
- Charles Chiang,2020,From Local Culture to Urban Regeneration: Digital Platform for Connectivity, Taiwan-Latvia-Lithuania cooperation project, Online Conference: Up-to-date Information Systems in Urban Regeneration
- Charles Chiang,Alejandro Guerrero,2020,Study of Design Strategy for International Design Competition,Symposium of Research – Architectural Institute of Taiwan
- Charles Chiang,I-Hsu Chiu,2020,Development of Design Thinking in Architectural Rapid Design by Case Study,Symposium of Research – Architectural Institute of Taiwan
- Sarai Escandon,Charles Chiang,2020,Study of Space Syntax Analysis for Waterfront Park in Cancun,Symposium of Research – Architectural Institute of Taiwan
- Chi Liu,Charles Chiang,2020,Study of Storage Space in Nan Chi Chang Resettled Tenement Communities,Symposium of Research – Architectural Institute of Taiwan
- Charles Chiang,2019,Site Observation and Analysis for Application of Teaching in Architectural Design,Symposium of Research – Architectural Institute of Taiwan
- Charles Chiang,Otsuki Toshio,2016,Space Arrangement of Entertainment Facility Regarding of Elderly Behavior in Taiwan,Architectural Institute of Japan Conference
- Charles Chiang,Otsuki Toshio,2015,Behavior of Elderly in Relation to Circulation Movement,Architectural Institute of Japan Conference
- Charles Chiang, Otsuki Toshio,2014,A System of Elderly Gathering Platform in Taipei,Architectural Institute of Japan Conference
- Coast Breakwater Community,eVolo skyscraper Competition,3rd Place,USA,2020
- BI-NATIONAL COMMUNITY,eVolo skyscraper Competition,Honorable Mention,USA,2019
- Fog-Catcher Skyscraper in Morocco,eVolo skyscraper Competition,Editors’ Choice,USA,2022
- CAR-NECTION,Architecture MasterPrize,Winner,USA,2019
- Coast Breaker Community,Fondation-Jacques-Rougerie International Design Competition,1 Prize,France, 2020
- Anticipating of Family,A’ Design Award & Competition,Honorable Mention,Italy,2019
- BIG: [Bubble Island Gleaner],Biomimicry Global Design Challenge,Merit,USA,2019
- Islandscape Community,Golden Pin Design Award,Finalist,Taiwan,2019
- Weaving With Air, L. Lu,I. H. Tsai,Architecture MasterPrize,Best of Best,USA,2022
- Re-Interwine : Re-Thinking Beirut Port,Architecture MasterPrize,Winner,USA,2022
- Green Vessel, H. Wang,Architecture MasterPrize,Winner,USA,2022
- Re-Interwine : Re-Thinking Beirut Port,World Architecture Student Award,Winner (top 10 world ranking),Japan,2022
- Seasonal Flavor of Sustainable Plaza, H. Wang,Architecture MasterPrize,Best of the Best,USA,2021
- Social Distance for All Age Community,Chi Liu,RedDot,Winner,Germany,2021
- Seasonal Flavor of Sustainable Plaza, H. Wang,IDA: International Design Awards,Bronze Prize,USA,2021
- 連階, Y. Chen, DecorHouse Award,Winner,Taiwan,2022
- 綠謐映, H. Zheng,DecorHouse Award,Honorable Mention,Taiwan,2021
- Social Distance for All Age Community,Chi Liu,Architecture MasterPrize,Winner,USA,2021
- All Age Housing,Chi Liu,IDA,Bronze in Architecture Categories,USA,2020
- BOTTLATION, L. Chern,C. Y. Lin,P. Y. Guo,P. C. Lee,Architecture MasterPrize,Best of the Best,USA,2020
- All Age Housing,Chi Liu,Architecture MasterPrize,Winner,USA,2020
- HK HL,Sarai Escandon,Architecture MasterPrize,Winner,USA,2020
- BOTTLATION, L. Chern,C. Y. Lin,P. Y. Guo,P. C. Lee,ETToday Award: MRT Station Design and Curation Competition,First Prize,Taiwan,2020
- Modular Unit,Sarai Escandon,iF Design Talent Award,Winner,Germany,2020
- All Age Housing,Chi Liu,DecorHouse Award,Winner,Taiwan,2020
- CAR-NECTION,IDA: International Design Awards,Bronze Prize,USA,2019
- House of Santa, C. Tsai,C. C. Kung,Architecture MasterPrize,Winner,USA,2019
- Parasitic Jungle, L. Chern, Asian Building New War,Finalist,Taiwan,2019
- Defense of the Glacier, C. Tsai,C. C. Kung,Volume Zero Competition, 1st Prize,India,2019